Location: London, United Kingdom

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


How can the world be determined before our awareness? I have to hypothesise the same entity as Kant, namely Space. The faculty of Space permits the division of the world into objects by determining that elements of the world have differences in terms of spatial relations. This is required for our awareness of them, and since our awareness is predicated upon the singularity of a focus, Space is necessary.

The singularity of our focus is also necessary. If we were able, in reality, to focus on two things at once, we would have two paths of memory and thus two potential ways of reacting that could contradict each other. Note that this does not prevent us from performing two tasks at once - to take a very domestic example, one can iron and watch the television at the same time as long as the empithym of ironing is sufficiently strong. This is because the awareness need not react to the object of the focus, but rather simply react in general with a particular patten of energy expression. Think of driving, when the words we use to describe our actions in a car merge the car into the self: 'I turned right' 'I reversed'. Those are our reactions to the particular point of significance in the situation, disregarding the embedded reactions to simply sitting behind the wheel. Our language, after all, tells a story of potential points of significance.


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