Location: London, United Kingdom

Thursday, April 28, 2005


I am, as ever, not entirely happy with part of the definition of the awareness I gave in the post, er, 'Definition?'. It could quite easily be asked: why cannot there be a function that supplies the appropriate manner of reacting in any particular circumstance? After all, the empithym themselves are essentially appropriate manners of reacting to particular circumstances. Why is the manner in which they are picked out not entirely autonomous, requiring no conscious element?

It appears that my original answer requires more clarification to ensure its veracity. Any such function would be have to engage with empithym in some way. It would also have to engage with all empithym simultaneously (or, at least, the collection of most significant empithym that consitute the typical day) to be successful in providing the appropriate action for any situation. However, empithym are modified depending on the result of their employment. Any empithym employed would therefore immediately change as a result of its employment. It would therefore no longer be the chosen empithym, and the situation would have changed as a consequence. Given that any employment of an empithym causes it to change - aargh! There is something here, I feel it, but for the moment it eludes me. This is deeply frustrating.


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