Location: London, United Kingdom

Thursday, April 14, 2005


Following on from yesterday, let us engage more in the study of what produces the reflexive consciousness. Since empithym formation is a continuous process, it in turn continually affects and adjusts the manner in which the self expresses energy at the world (explanation: I am using 'expresses energy' as a catch all for any kind of physical interaction. Kicking a ball expresses kinetic energy and so on. No mystical/non-philosophical content is implied). This in turn affects the sense-data which adjusts the satisfaction levels of the impeti. There is thus a loop.

Since we are not permitting any kind of empirical knowledge into our discussion (as what we seek are the necessary requirements of such knowledge) we are free to ask how this loop operates in a purely philosophical (Kant would say transcendental) sense.

Now, when we encounter an object we have experienced before, we experience it as being bound up with what we learned from that past encounter. Say we pick an apple out of a bowl of fruit. Our inclinations towards it will be determined by our past experiences, not simply of the apple but of all the other aspects of that situation (leaving aside for the moment the class of pre-built object-seeking impeti such as iSex or iFood. I do rather enjoy the convergence of this system of abbreviation with certain unnamed musical devices). First of all, we require a mechanism that selects the empithym associated with the apple. This requires that we have a mechanism that is aware of empithym - yet empithym are, on a physicalist paradigm, awareness themselves. The limitations of some kind of functionalist input - output model become obvious. We have the input, but we require another step to determine what that input is and, bound up with that, how to deal with it. We thus require a second-level awareness - awareness of the fact that one is aware. This is the reflexive awareness, which permits the understanding of the self as an object. This definition is more satisfying than the one I held previously, as it provides a good path in to a determination of a potenital satisfier for iPurpose. It is not a particularly rigorous definition, but is sufficient for the present purpose. Boom boom.

A thought struck me while watching some war film last night, which acquires added meaning in the context of above. Since this would imply an essential dichotomy to consciousness, between satisfaction and dissatisfaction, this would render any particular purpose as being some form of struggle to overcome. This would mean that our sense of purpose would be most satisfied when carrying out this struggle. As this would be some form of modification of sense data to a more satisfactory level, it would become, in effect, the Self vs. the Universe. With the addition of iHarmony into the mix, I think I begin to see an outline.


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