Location: London, United Kingdom

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Functions (2)

The key to resolving this issue is to accept that any kind of selective function would require access to the world as well as empithym. The process of empithym formation would therefore be independent of the function, leaving us with a kind of dual awareness, in which our experiences are memorised by one awareness while at the same time another awareness determines the appropriate response by comparing already existent empithym with the present. This would imply that what we think are our memories are in fact the products of a second system running alongside and coextensive with our awareness. In order for our second-order awareness to determine the appropriate response to a given situation, the sense-data with which it is presented must already be determined in terms of significance, by percieving the world through a matrix of assigned empithym. Thus, the 'raw' sense-data must be filtered by both the impeti and the empithym into the significant and non-significant. The function would therefore see the world with the potential array of actions and significances already given to it. We thus have the 'raw' empithym data and the 'signified' function data.

An empithym of a particular object is formed as a consequence of experience of that object by what I shall call the Raw faculty. While this experience is determined by the world, the world is to a certain extent determined by the energy expressed by the function. The manner in which significance is determined by the function is given by empithym. Thus, we have a situation in which the motive for the action of the function is determined by an empithym which is partly determined by the action of the function. There is a loop here. We have a self-determining function, a function which defines its own criteria of action. It is a function that is also aware, quite apart from being self-determining. It is aware within a pattern of significance that is partly self-determined. The criteria for it being aware of anything are that it is significant within the data provided by the sensible faculties. In the determination of what is significant, it itself acquires significance and thus becomes aware of itself. We thus have the reflexive awareness. We have ourselves.

To complete this proof I also require some kind of evidence that the sensible faculties operate by maintaining focus on a single object over time, to allow this self-determination.


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